Amazing WordPress Virtual Currency Plugin for WordPress
Create your own online currency with the MicroPayment virtual wallet plugin. Web-developers and administrators can provide on-site transactions without requiring external payment processing for each purchase
Virtual Wallet Currency
Define your own MicroPayments virtual currency value to use whenever transactions are made on your WordPress site.

Exchange Rates
Define different exchange rates between your virtual online currency and real world currencies. Allow users to purchase your currency in batches using online payment systems

Generate reports on how many virtual currency units were used on each user wallet and on general currency exchange transactions

Easy Digital Downloads and WooCommerce
Plugin can fully integrates with Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) and WooCommerce, allowing you to use any EDD/Woo payment option for currency exchange and all other EDD/Woo Add-Ons for added functionality

Virtual Wallet Dashboard
Users can view their transactions history and purchase more online currency points to be added to their virtual wallet

Developer API
CM MicroPayment can be integrated with external plugins or themes by using shortcodes or API calls, making it an essential part of any WordPress developer’s toolkit
Virtual Wallet Plugin for WordPress Integrations
Integrate MicroPayments with the Easy Digital Downloads plugin (EDD) and

Empower your Download Manager with MicroPayment support. Allow users to pay for downloading or grant them virtual money for uploading. Integrate MicroPayment with a real payment gateway like PayPal or choose from 40+ payment gateways

Watch the Virtual Wallet Plugin for WordPress Video
Allow web-developers and administrators to provide and batch in-site transactions without requiring the external payment to be processed for each purchase.

Integrate the best virtual wallet plugin with other CM Plugins and enjoy unique features!
Offers available for a limited time only!
Single site license- Define your Virtual Currency§1p
- Define Currency Exchange Rates
- User Wallet Dashboard
- Admin can Manage Wallets
- Sales Reports
- Developer Shortcodes
- Developer API
- Default PayPal Checkout
- Convert currency back to PayPal funds
- Integration with EDD
- Integration with WooCommerce
- Unlimited Downloads
- Downloads Access Restrictions
- Audio Player Support
- Multiple User Uploads
- Charge per each Download
CM MicroPayment Pro
2 sites license- Define your Virtual Currency
- Define Currency Exchange Rates
- User Wallet Dashboard
- Admin can Manage Wallets
- Sales Reports
- Developer Shortcodes
- Developer API
- Default PayPal Checkout
- Convert currency back to PayPal funds
- Integration with EDD
- Integration with WooCommerce
Answers + MicroPayment
Single site license- Define your Virtual Currency
- Define Currency Exchange Rates
- User Wallet Dashboard
- Admin can Manage Wallets
- Sales Reports
- Developer Shortcodes
- Developer API
- Default PayPal Checkout
- Convert currency back to PayPal funds
- Integration with EDD
- Integration with WooCommerce
- Questions and Answers Moderation
- Advanced Access Control
- File Attachments
- User Profiles
- Pay for posting
- Gain points for posting
Buy the Best MicroPayment Virtual wallet Plugin for WordPress
You will receive all plugin great features, one year of support and one full year of free version updates.
Virtual Wallet Plugin for WordPress FAQ
How does the plugin's checkout process take place when charging payments with real money?
CM MicroPayment has a built-in PayPal Express Checkout mechanism that charges payments via your customer’s Paypal account or via credit/debit card. For cases when that isn’t enough, you can easily integrate CM MicroPayment with the Easy Digital Downloads plugin or WooCommerce and have over 100 different payment gateways available for different sets of needs, such as paying by check, by phone, by bank transfer and more.
Will my users be able to exchange points among themselves?
Yes. Using a shortcode you can add an interface which include the option for user to send points to another user. Also in the settings panel, you can determine which actions performed by your users will enable them to gain more points and which will result in a deduction of points, depending on the features available on your site. For example, if you’re integrating Micropayments with CM Downloads manager, users may charge points for downloading a file they uploaded, and use them later for downloading files uploaded by others. This way, a new layer of virtual money is added to your site, allowing users to exchange points and trade virtual goods between them.
Does this Plugin work with WooCommerce?
Yes, we have added WooCommerce integration. Micropayments can use the WooCommerce checkout and can also apply points when WooCommerce purchases are made.
See these documentation articles to learn more:
Woocommerce Integration
WooCommerce Payment Gateway
WooCommerce Discounts
WooCommerce Points for Purchases
Can customers receive payment confirmation emails when they use Micropayments?
Yes, we have included an email notification feature that can send the user an email notifying them when there are various changes to their wallet. These changes notifications can be sent for withdrawals, charges and transfers.
To learn more about this feature see the documentation article about notifications by clicking here.
Can Micropayments support Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin?
Currently we haven’t developed any integration for Micropayments to work with any Cryptocurrencies.
Can Micropayments allow me to automatically give my premium users credits each month?
Yes. For this we’d recommend installing the Micropayments group actions Add-on or contacting us for customization. The Add-on allows for chosen user roles or groups of users on your WordPress site to be automatically granted or charged points on a chosen interval. To learn more about how this works check out the product page by clicking here.
Is it possible to use PayPal Payouts with this plugin?
Yes, but it’s important to note that PayPal requires a business account in order for Payouts to go live. Learn more in this guide: CM MicroPayments – PayPal Payout.
Is it possible to use Stripe Payouts with this plugin?
Yes! We also support Stripe payout.
Can this rewards extension work as loyalty rewards system?
Yes! It does work as loyalty rewards system. This virtual point management plugin for wordpress allows the admin to reward the points to the users’ wordpress wallet and users can use those awarded points to their next purchase .
Can users make points transactions into multi currencies ?
No! This WordPress Plugin does not work as a multi currency switcher but when admin makes a transaction via PayPal, he can choose currency type. This is the only way admin can pay in the multi-currencies .
Can admin restrict how many minimum points users should have in their wallets ?
No, There is no restriction on the minimum points in this virtual currency plugin.
Additional WordPress plugins by CreativeMinds
All of these Plugins and more are included in our Yearly Membership plan
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CM Answers
A Fully Featured Community Questions and Answers plugin that works just like StackOverflow, helps create multiple discussion forums on your WordPress site that can use anonymous postings, social media login & more
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WordPress Business Directory
Find any WordPress business that can help you promote your own. The Business directory is based on the CM Business Directory plugin for WordPress
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CM Video Lessons
Manage video lessons and allow users and admin to track progress, leave notes and mark their favorite videos. Supports adding a pay-per-view fee for your courses and webinars
CM Route Manager
Allow your WordPress users to draw routes and generate a catalog of map routes and trails with points of interest